ibb house of engineering GmbH in Jena offers innovative and customized engineering solutions for various industries, representing the highest quality and customer focus.
The university city of Jena is an up-and-coming city between tradition and high technology. The university still defines the city's profile today as an important center of science.
This traditional city, which is home to the world's longest-serving planetarium and is known worldwide for the Zeiss microscope, is also home to ibb - house of engineering.
Jena is characterized by the close networking of science and industry for the development of innovative products.
With our experience in the fields of optics and photonics, health technology as well as precision and environmental technology, this location is perfect for applying our expertise in a wide range of construction processes.
ibb house of engineering GmbH
Göschwitzer Str. 22
07745 Jena, Germany
Email: info@ibb-engineering.de
Phone: +49 (0)3641 3584-0