Training 2024

A new chapter

We are excited to welcome Valentina and Robin as our new apprentices at ibb house of Engineering in Petersberg. 

These two young talents have decided to pursue the exciting and innovative field of technical product designer, specializing in product design and construction. We are delighted to support and guide them on their journey.

The decision to train in technical product design opens the door to a world full of creativity and innovation. Here they will learn how ideas are transformed into real products, understand the importance of precision and imagination in the design process and master the use of advanced CAD software.

During their apprenticeship at ibb house of engineering, Valentina and Robin will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects and learn from experienced designers. They will gain valuable insights into current practices, work with the latest technologies and be able to contribute their own creative ideas to the development process.

The ibb team will be at their side throughout their apprenticeship, offering them support and guidance. The exchange with colleagues and mentors will help them deepen their knowledge and continuously develop their skills. At ibb, place great importance to an open and collaborative atmosphere where teamwork and mutual support are paramount.

Welcome to ibb House of Engineering, Valentina and Robin! We wish you both great success and enjoyment in your training. Here's to an exciting and successful journey!